SRI MIND CARE is engaged in enhancing psychological, emotional, physical and social well being of adults, families, adolescents and children. In the time of stress, psychological counseling helps to gain clarity and find ways to deal with problems.

Dr.Puli.Srinivasulu is a Psychologist ( Trained Mental Health Professional), a passionate trainer. He obtained M.Sc. in Psychology and Doctor of Philosophy from the S.V.University, Thirupati, Andhrapradesh.

He is founder of SRI MIND CARE Professional Counseling Services was started in 2007 with an objective to enable positive changes in the lives of people. Professional Counseling Services (PCS) he as a private practice in Guntur,AP.


Children sometimes need psychological help, just like adults do. Treatment typically begins when parents, teachers or school counselors notice that children aren’t functioning as well as they could. more...

Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship. more...

Marital Counseling

Marriage is a beautiful institution. Marriage gives a sense of belonging, stability, security and responsibility. It brings along with it care, love, togetherness, support, expectations, perseverance and a very important unflinching devotion. more...

Family Counseling

Families can be a source of support, encouragement and love but sometimes relationships within families are put under strain and family members more...


Depression is more than just sadness. People with depression may experience a lack of interest and pleasure in daily activities, significant weight loss or gain, insomnia or excessive sleeping, lack of energy more...


Stress can be a reaction to a short-lived situation, such as being stuck in traffic. Or it can last a long time if you’re dealing with relationship problems, a spouse’s death or other serious situations. more...